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The Forest City London Music Awards through its Ken Palmer High School Music Bursary program shows strong commitment and encouragement to young musicians graduating from high school to support their post-secondary music education goals at an Ontario college or university. Each year the $1,000 bursary is awarded to two outstanding graduating high school students.

The Bursary was founded in the spring of 2014 by Ian Davies and Mario Circelli to honour the memory of the late Ken Palmer who died in 2013 at the age of 65 (Oct. 5, 1948 – Oct. 30, 2013). Ken was an integral part of the London music scene for more than 40 years as a performer with the Dixie Flyers (FCLMA Hall of Fame), Artistic Director of Home County Music & Art Festival (15 years), and as a music teacher/mentor to many young musicians. After two years of fundraising the first Ken Palmer Music Bursary was awarded in 2016 to Keegan Marshall of H.B. Beal Secondary School. Since then, fouteen more $1,000 bursaries have been awarded. 

 The FCLMA congratulates these outstanding young students and wish them all the best as they embark on their post-secondary music education journeys.


The FCLMA Board of Directors is grateful for our partnership with Life*Spin so that we can issue tax-deductible receipts for donations to the Ken Palmer High School Music Bursary or send a cheque payable to the Ken Palmer Music Bursary in care of Life*Spin, P.O. Box 2801, London, ON N6A 4H4,
Attention: Jacquie Thompson.

Life*Spin’s registered charitable number is 89196 7069 RR0001. Tax receipts are issued in February of each year. 

A complete application must include the following:

  1. An essay (500 to 1000 words) from the applicant, describing why they would be an appropriate selection for this $1,000.00 CDN bursary.
  2. Letter of recommendation from the applicant’s school Music teacher or a Guidance Councillor.
  3. Letter of intent for continuing post-secondary music education as described.
  4. Complete contact information. 
  5. Application is available online below and will be due no later than May 2, 2025. Successful applicants will be recognized during FCLMA London Music Week in June 2025.                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  6. For more information contact Linda Wharton, Co-chair, Ken Palmer Music Bursary lindawharton76@rogers.com. 

Ken Palmer Music Bursary 

throughout the FCLMA catchment area are welcome to Apply! 


Thank You To Our Donors

ANGEL DONORS ($200 and Up)

Jeff & Louise Carroll

Jeff Crossett

Ian Davies & Kay McIntyre

Sheila Davies in memory of Ken Davies

Suzanne Edmondson & Ian Franklin

Deanne Fitzpatrick

Lucy Gravelle

Mike Hanson

Ron & Liz Hicks

Judy Jolliffe in memory of Roger Jolliffe

Brian & Louise Keith

Jenn & Chico Martin

The Hon. John F. McGarry, QC

Rob McGuire

Bev & Paul Mills

Peter & Pam Milroy

Nunn’s London Ltd.

Susan & Brent Sterner

Susan Weldon & Barry Margison

Anonymous – 1

DONORS ($20 - $199)

Richard & Lynn Coates

Annie & Carl Grindstaff

Theresa & Peter Hyland

Sheila & Ian Piggott

James Stewart Reaney

Laurraine Sigouin

Susan Smith

Wendy Valhoff

Kari Veblen

Anonymous – 1



Abigail Cosstick Clarke Road Secondary School
Sofie Rogers Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute


The Forest City London Music Awards is commitment to supporting and encouraging young musicians in our region, graduating from high school to pursue post-secondary music education at an Ontario college or university. We are committed to helping young musicians achieve their goals through the FCLMA Ken Palmer Music Bursary.


Nayli DeLeon Kantule, HB Beal Secondary School 2023
Angela McIntosh, École Secondaire Mgr- Bruyère 2023
Left to Right: Callum Sheehan, H.B. Beal Secondary School; Ryan Grant, A.B. Lucas Secondary School; Hailey Scott, Lord Dorchester Secondary School. 2022
Angela Metron, Catholic Central High School 2021
Meagan Foster, Banting Secondary School 2020
Kate McLeod, Woodstock Collegiate Institute 2021
Emma Deinum, Laurier Secondary School 2020
2019 FCLMA Ken Palmer Music Bursary winners Emily Inch, Medway Secondary School and Nicole Pitter, Glendale High School with Jacquie Thompson of Life*Spin (far left), Bursary Co-Chair Linda Wharton (left), Bursary Co-Chair & Founder Ian Davies (far right)
2017 FCLMA Ken Palmer Music Bursary winners Hannah Couto with teacher A.J. Petrasiunas (middle left), Dan Brock (far left) & FCLMA Chair Mario Circelli (far right).
2018 FCLMA Ken Palmer Music Bursary winners Gillian Derer, Glendale High School (middle lef) and Rebecca Myette, Oakridge Secondary School (middle right) with.Bursary Co- Chair & Founder Ian Davies (far left), and Co-Chair Linda Wharton (far right).
The first Ken Palmer Music Bursary was awarded in 2016 to Keegan Marshall of H.B. Beal Secondary School with Bursary Co-Chair & Founder Ian Davies (left) and FCLMA Committee Member the late Greg Simpson (right).

The FCLMA Board of Directors gratefully acknowledges the participation and partnership of LifeSpin through which we are able to issue tax deductible receipts for donations to the FCLMA Ken Palmer Bursary. The FCLMA and LifeSpin helping to make a difference in our community.